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Implicit interaction design for pervasive workflows

Autores UPV



Personal and Ubiquitous Computing


The automatic identification capabilities of mobile devices enable the use of implicit interactions to connect the physical world with digital services. For example, users can be provided with information and services just by approaching to them or pointing to them with a mobile device. This kind of interactions can improve business processes by reducing the gap between physical and digital spaces. This work presents Parkour, a design method for workflows that make use of implicit interactions. Parkour allows designers to indicate how implicit interactions can be orchestrated to support a workflow. Furthermore, reconfiguration techniques have been applied to adapt at run-time the degree in which these interactions intrude the user's mind. Tool support has been developed to automate the validation of the workflow models and support the system reconfiguration. Finally, the proposal has been applied in the development of several workflows. © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011.