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Mirando la Piedra Celta (Looking at Rattleback)



Modelling in Science Education and Learning


Celtic or Rattleback Stone is a solid that if it is rotated as top exhibits a surprising behaviour. Using a stereoscopic camera and digital monitoring techniques, we capture its movement. According the laws of classical mechanics, justify its evolution \rattling" and emphasize the high didactic potential that have these amazing systems for engineering students. La Piedra Celta o Rattleback es un solido que cuando se le hace girar como peonza exhibe un comportamiento sorprendente. Utilizando una camara estereoscopica y tecnicas de seguimiento digital, capturamos su movimiento. De acuerdo con las leyes clasicas de la mecanica, justi camos su evolucion \traqueteante", y destacamos el alto potencial didactico que para los alumnos de Ingeniera poseen estos sorprendentes sistemas.