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Research on Collaborative Processes in Non Hierarchical Manufacturing Networks



IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology


Collaborative networks research has increased over the last years due to the advantages experienced by the enterprises that establish collaboration. In this paper, a set of relevant collaborative processes are identified in the literature and analysed considering their specific application in non-hierarchical manufacturing networks (NHN). Besides, collaboration within networked partners is enhanced through designing a roadmap to deal with the migration path towards collaborative processes establishment. Currently, the research aim is focused on modelling the network and the collaborative processes, established within the partners, through a mathematical model that identifies the collaboration objects. In this context, experts will be able to promote the establishment of collaboration, analyse the processes performed within a network and consider their redesign/design towards collaboration. The model would identify the objects of collaboration, in order to be analysed and thus serve as a tool to improve the enterprises’ performance and, consequently, the network performance.