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Encontrando evidencias de la evaluación por competencias en el Grado de Ingeniería Informática



Encontrando evidencias de la evaluación por competencias en el Grado de Ingeniería Informática


Nowadays, the design of a university degree is based on determining what students must learn in order to obtain a series of skills at the end of his studies. Due to the novelty of these regards, to define a syllabus based on competencies is a complex task. On the one hand, students are evaluated in order to demonstrate that they have acquired the competencies associated to a subject. On the other hand, the degrees must be certified in order to demonstrate that they meet their expected outcomes and to show that their students obtain the expected skills. This is essential to find the evidences of the competencies acquired in the grade subjects. This article present an application called EVALÚA that support teachers, in the design of their subjects, to reflect the competencies acquired; and promotes the reformulation of the subjects in terms of learning outcomes witch are related with the competencies and the assessment method used.