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Efectos de la aplicación de ultrasonidos de alta intensidad durante el secado en la capacidad antioxidante de piel de Maracuyá

Autores UPV



Efectos de la aplicación de ultrasonidos de alta intensidad durante el secado en la capacidad antioxidante de piel de Maracuyá


This study evaluated the effect of drying temperature and ultrasound application in the antioxidant activity of dried peel of passion fruit. Drying experiments were carried out at four air temperatures (40, 50, 60 and 70ºC) without and with ultrasound (21.7 kHz, 75W) application. The antioxidant capacity (AC) and the total phenolic content (TPC) of dried samples were assessed. Highest temperatures and ultrasound application significantly reduced drying time. Both factors affected the AC and TPC of dried samples. Thus, at 40 and 50 ºC the ultrasonically assisted dried samples showed higher AC and TPC than the conventionally dried ones