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Automatic Derivation of AADL Product Architectures in Software Product Line Development



Automatic Derivation of AADL Product Architectures in Software Product Line Development


Software Product Line development involves the explicit management of variability that has to be encompassed by the software artifacts, in particular by the software architecture. Architectural variability has to be not only supported by the architecture but also explicitly represented. The Common Variability Language (CVL) allows to represent such variability independently of the Architecture Description Language (ADL) and to support the resolution of this variability for the automatic derivation of AADL product architectures. This paper presents a multimodel approach to represent the relationships between the external variability, represented by a feature model, and the architectural variability, represented by the CVL model, for the automatic derivation of AADL product architectures through model transformations. These transformations take into account functional and non-functional requirements.