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Adaptative water-oriented forest management using Biome-BGC in Mediterranean Alepo pine plantations



Adaptative water-oriented forest management using Biome-BGC in Mediterranean Alepo pine plantations


Water-oriented Forest Management (WOFM) aims to adapt the forest to water availability by means of affecting forest structure and density. Regions under water scarcity situations, such as the Mediterranean, might require WOFM to optimize the hydrological cycle under normal and future global change conditions. The present study uses the process based model BIOME-BGC to predict the effects of WOFM in a Mediterranean Aleppo pine plantation. At the same time, the present work pretends to make easier the model application to forest managers. To that end, the model is slightly modifi ed where canopy average specifi c leaf area and canopy water interception coeffi cient are both introduced as a function of forest coverage. Then, the model is calibrated and validated using a year sapfl ow, soil moisture, and throughfall fi eld data from three forest covers (85 to 26%). Calibration and validation show an acceptable accuracy, whose Nash–Sutcliffe ranges between 0.39–0.76 and 0.31–69, respectively. The model is fi nally applied to analyze and predict the need of forest management in a Mediterranean forest. The application shows an optimization of the hydrological cycle that establishes a new equilibrium between blue and green water. The new scenario signifi cantly reduces water interception and transpiration and increases runoff and percolation.