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Uncovering Plagiarism - Author Profiling at PAN

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Ercim News


PAN is a yearly workshop and evaluation lab on uncovering plagiarism, authorship, and social software misuse. Since 2009, PAN has been organizing benchmark activities on uncovering plagiarism, authorship, and social software misuse . An additional task - author profiling - has also recently been proposed. Author profiling, instead of focusing on individual authors, studies how language is shared by a class of people. Author profiling is a problem of growing importance in applications in forensics, security and marketing. For instance, a person working in the area of forensic linguistics may need to know the linguistic profile of a suspected text message (language used by a certain type of person) and identify characteristics (with language as evidence). Similarly, from a marketing viewpoint, companies may be interested in determining, through the analysis of blogs and online product reviews, what types of people like or dislike their products.