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Adaptación de los parámetros de calidad acústica en espacios patrimoniales



Adaptación de los parámetros de calidad acústica en espacios patrimoniales


The acoustica analysis of architectural spaces has been widely studied in recent years and has taken different approaches, including simulation. In large music halls and particular those with heritage value, it of great interest to know, in addition to current acoustic conditions, what the situation would be after future interventions caused by a change in use. A reliable model is needed to forecast the variation in these conditions, as any intervention to improve acoustics is always costly, both in terms of budget and alteration to the interior architecture. Thus it is particularly important to be able to simulate the effect of any change in the geometric characteristics of the room or the materials used. The aim of this study is, applying the acoustic simulation, propose removable constructive solutions that improve the acoustic assets of a large room as the Hall of the Columns of the Lonja of Merchants in Valencia, adapting their acoustic conditions to different applications (presentations, exhibitions, musical performance, etc.).