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Multidisciplinary Studies, Crossreading and Transversal Use of Thermography: The Castle of Monzón (Huesca) as a case study



Multidisciplinary Studies, Crossreading and Transversal Use of Thermography: The Castle of Monzón (Huesca) as a case study


The study carried out at the castle of Monzón (Huesca) while developing the Master Plan for the preservation of the site clearly aims at efficient interaction between different studies by several groups of experts in various disciplines. The various studies were coordinated jointly in order to offer a comprehensive analysis of the monument, intertwining approaches and points of views. Among the techniques used, thermography was especially interesting because of its flexibility and adaptability in several applications: from helping to identify materials to the detection of hidden pathologies. The efficiency of thermography for emphasizing different phenomena can only be improved by combining with other survey and analysis techniques. Synoptic plans allow these techniques to enrich the information available, reaching greater accuracy in determining materials and pathologies.