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Parametric model for the simulation of the railway catenary system static equilibrium problem



Finite Elements in Analysis and Design


Dynamic simulations of pantograph–catenary interaction are nowadays essential for improving the performance of railway locomotives, by achieving better current collection at higher speeds and lower wear of thecollecting parts.The first step in performing these simulations is to compute the static equilibrium of the overhead line.The initial dropper lengths play an important role in hanging the contact wire at an appropriate height. From a classical point of view, if one wants to obtain the static equilibrium configuration of the system for different combinations of dropper lengths, one static pro- blem must be solved for each combination of lengths, which involves a prohibitive computational cost. In this paper we propose a parametric model of the catenary, including the undeformed dropper lengths as extra-coordinates of the problem. This multidimensional problem is efficiently solved by means of the Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD) technique, avoiding the curse of dimensionality issue. The capabilities and performance of the proposed method are shown by numerical examples.