Explora I+D+i UPV

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Linking genetic resources, genomes and phenotypes of Solanaceous crops

Instituto Universitario de Conservación y Mejora de la Agrodiversidad Valenciana

Año de inicio


Organismo financiador


Tipo de proyecto


Responsable científico

Díez Niclós María José


G2P-SOL is a research alliance bringing togcther thc 1najor Europcan and Intcrnational repositories of gennplasm with public and private institutions active in gcno1nics, phenotyping and breeding in the four major Solanaceous crops: patato, to1nato, pepper and eggplant. These four crops constitute 66% of the value ofEuropean horticultural production, and over 65,000 accessions are available within the consortiumn. By harnessing the available global biodiversity, novel genotyping and phenotyping concepts and data analysis tools, the G2P-SOL project will link the genetic code underlying Solanaceae biodiversity with the traits that improve productivity, adaptation and human health. By making this infonnation accessible to end-users, the awareness ofthe available diversity will be increased and use ofthis genetic diversity in breeding programs will be stimulated, resulting in diversified production chains. The phenotypes and traits of material held in European and major international collections will be described using common ontology tcnns developed in this project and this information wÍll be housed in an open source software platform, allowing easy interfacing with existing platforms for germoplasm cataloging. G2P-SOL will develop shared values in scíence and education in the following areas: 1) Defining and maintaining genetic pools for crop 1mprovement. 2) Phenomic and genomic data: generation, analysis, storage, and linkage with gene banks. 3) Prebreeding and germplasm enhancement. 4) Training, workshops and public outreach. G2P-SOL will redefine how to manage and organize genetic resources and linked genomic and phenomic information in a maner that will make them accessible to naturalists, geneticists and breeders for conservation, scientific research, ancl breeding in the post genomic era, in compliance with the objectives ofthe International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources and the Nagoya Protocol.